If you have ingested alcoholic beverages, consumed substances or have accumulated several days of sleeplessness, HALTO will help you evaluate your psychomotor abilities through a series of tests that will test your abilities such as reflexes, balance, hearing, vision, your ability to speak and your perception of reality, you have a time limit to overcome each one, in the end you will obtain a real result of your current conditions and you will be able to re-evaluate your next decisions.A person in good health is able to easily pass all tests, when your body is not in an optimal state, your psychomotor skills and abilities are reduced and affected. The test takes less than 1 minute and gives you a better picture of the conditions you are in. Avoid driving a vehicle in poor conditions, take care of your health and that of other people, use HALTO at any time when you dont feel 100% well, and check your psychomotor skills.Being under the influence of alcohol, substances or sleepless days, we can ignore our condition to carry out certain activities, our unconsciousness ignores the latent dangers and is driven to disregard the risks, an evaluation of our psychomotor abilities can help us reconsider the situation, make us reflect and take an alternative.No matter how old you are or why you download the application, HALTO is a test that you can take whenever you want or need.